‘ St Nickie » oe ry yr adinis Pedi ‘4 TT shed Nimaes oe es Soe Sp ta era t ; Y im : pee eirine = a ; ; NN 9 F ~ Bees = : eee Ste i Jake y : Fae enren . : & i oF tone iF 3 é- Mlk i 9 fe F ts 5 i iN ii f = oa oa m - Ml basemen ars oie iP prepare ee : i$ : Z * : - << Pe = ; s as es : 4 Ae, we» < r r . _ % ma y ‘J N he + % is ! ate ” Nag ge te “aye AS ie ‘ ve ¥, — ‘3 mh " Le, pial hts ‘ 4 ~ t iyi pa . : : a oy : 7 : prone : 6 seers 2 Gree Sao SS pple nwa an aees art saree : i a Aor a ee eee ans * = ; + ae ¥ - : . : : “ Slate mt + =e re) . - reate’ ates LEST hes - Feta ta cate ae er certs Sits mares ane : cs = rae 3 : = ; ph eon om ; ? ; “ sat ear 6% : Poa ~~ : = : are rate a i : rir potato : Latrateratine et a) -iw el Bo pha hl : hte le iw Sh a tee i i DIANE Pt Te ae Spd eho boty Beton mt se ad ey SS. 4 ek See = =" oe << = = cd a Sean NAP ide sah ai wa te By wad oan tes : Ni ; ang Ps i : ‘ i! m' Ty ya ly ~ 2 ey el san! ) FOREST AND STREAM. A Weekly Journal of the Rod and Gun. ANGLING, SHOOTING, THE eee Practica, Natura History, _ Fisucutrore Yacutine AND CANOEING, See ee © a Mes “AND THE ~ INCULCATION Mal MEN AND WOMEN OF A HEALTHY INTEREST | IN OUTDOOR RECREATION AND STUDY. VOLUME LX. JANUARY,: 1903—]J UNE, 1903. _ PUBLISHED ‘BY THE FOREST™AND STREAM PUBLISHING COMPANY, NEW YORK = se: = : t - 1Qo ’ i so K FOREST AND STREAM ' @ | ¥ i rp | ee { = - x i { INDEX---VOLUME LX. | 1 | EDITORIAL. Page. 3 Page. Pag: <3 Page. | Webber, Col. Samuel............ aA eres ery ak: rye-461 |" Rovaleituntige 42.41 eset. Ae ARE dare .204 | My Next Door Neighbor......... see an ee Bree ie Adirondack Preserves...... RBA Sattcee ete ataner 161, 181 | White Calf ...... Gotta watts na ne otee cect Mies rate ROLE SamiOn eimai he cee eae Si vnesi¢siosies vee ceslnceoo | eV atOralyehastony mbtals cweuuessis 2 eesti sea es ee 40 Asidersony "GEO, Ses ven ts ecuseaee ches as Mearceeniee aol | Whitehead; u@harles “Bist ss cectesmenea cer cnnee eee 241 | Shasta Mountain ’Coons...........+ sestececscess 20 | New York Zoological Society................ 65, 3 Aypalachianwlatke Nec stm aeee see ABO y Roe, 161 | Wildfowl Vanishing....... se eeeees Raabe seeoee Sa eSiberia, “Acrosssre sen setae elon nee eee 41, 480 | North Siberian Mammals...............-.... 28 Arkansas Non-Resident Law.............. goecne 361 | Winter Day. ...... Sree eee SARA Beary oe ee 21. | Snow Shoes ........+. weiss ee aise eee TAA WBLCLS) Tocectatstesstereueiyiisrste stares ei afeaia ae Risaties eee ee 22 _ Blaisdell, W. O....... 5 stoned sal esate Spee 381 | Yancey, Gen. ...... i aleleeaboely e hnrsteean ia eterna 381 | Sporting Reminiscences ............ secoeeeeeeeed03 | Philadelphia Zoological Society................. 44 Bloodhound Episode ........ aisiatelotors lots coe eere 479 | Yellowstone Park ,........... tee anteelare PAC EAM Satlostey @SRITES EL AAS linemen sata ne oeueass ..++-480 | Protective Coloring.......... Sobre core As 35, 105, 18 BATS) NY tay oN itecavena tan esrd eg ok catene eet 261 Trouty Trailing the Summer........sss0s.e00+8 600) || pythons: andeBittalo: 1. aaa. anene tenn eae 24 Galayeras eSequoIaSA oc. s./dinapaneneh maar menee 841 True Game Stories..........006 puEAe Naan Been 62) | OMe eI eNO MOTs ss huesen sictasetaten mi scelal fap acer 20 Canadian Game Preserves........ A ae Bato S Ab: 141 THE SPORTSMAN ‘TOURIST Vermont, Tramp Through...... PPE 7 a 993) | Queer Pets, 9. ..4...4: Pee Oe eS SS 26 Cayiart 458s R «32. Evan iho. kca eu eee 61 F Wessel. al clatidt sate iten haere Leas Ceeaiticak eee Soa | Cue bite cAI eri Ga tials te Se ev eet tee aie ar Zi Citizen and ‘Sportsman sc. ¢see J ate 401 | Embarrassment of Literary Riches............. 2APAtiinals pbracks eamd dnailin phon my hanes vores MUSA] TSthtba CES ecu nokanane ocaberce nowt Heleletaysteicieiaie aietteed 30e acksont WA Eee Semen Snow. , meer eee 28] | Fire Fiend in Maine...... 1 Sane lag aise ie cats nk ATE 48" | Antelopes” Power to Scent. .,-.<.-.arse--- 444, 464 | Story of a Bird Lover...... Sands nsc caso » 28H Héatirentian. (Giigloorseen amen ees eee ne alae ARE TP OE 5. Atescaeites caottanidecnsan aaasc nets 501 | Batrachians and Reptiles.......... 345, 384, 425, 502 | Tail of the Wolf............... Seances 20o SOD meee deeraslative- 326 Lucky Day ....... eee Vaio Naceoye eta snes ees oe 2267 MVE rinse SEACGHISCH Sys 3e retetercir ts ahi be neti alate nine nt os 287 Massachusetts Commission ....-3.......s52+-++- 1 Massachusetts Sale Law...... lethot var atsagis 42180 Montana Fish and Game..... weectee Sontag 127 Moose Hunt in Maine........+.000 poatings An neerAn) WMG GSES Vines Eros, Pema see wetasites 2 lita tie tree arene save 66 “Moose Transaction ............... Prpsavey idetan ter th 485 Morning with Old Squaws....-.....cecseeeer eee 185 My -First Hunting Trip......3......;. rein ints 326 INET O Tia Lear Metens wae teenies Secine See cision macs Pe Bae pee 8 Nebraska Fields and Streams.....i.......000- .. 047 Nebraska Game Country ...icccecssessiceeeeess 406 PNepiaskamanie Paelds. sees ys asegekens ris cis oe 227 New Brunswick Guides’ Association..........++ 89 Wewtoundland Caribou sisi... csscvesesseaeses 209 New Hampshire Fish and Game...........2.. . 107 New Ilampshire Game Laws...... ee verte nts 52 New York Commission Report...........0--s0- 109 ANEW SNAG G KR AMS ASTI E WETS nee sutras os erctsieny 4 wnesieie ne one 7 Foy EOL Lees CA DAICMERI ney atari setts ore ects ce! sat 31 North Dakota Game.....c.scsseceeesveeeeees non 18 EN Oivete eS COLIAG Grae fs nna dn cies creme ass Laie eS tien oioiee 228 Ontario Fish and Game..........:. sevens el6T OGRE DAYS) sewing sre omias es tei teas ciswless sede toes esas 6 Pheasants;-“Introduced..... Runrenia gee aurs sented 210) Pheasants in Ohio ........0005 FE GRO nani Reed Pictures no Artist Can Paint........ Meneare sone eA Platform Plank in the Vield..........s...+...+-- 484 Plumbtey, Honest [RON Rigen ac ae RR Emp ke pee 228: President in_the Paklcn a hretun 95 cere clits te 346 PUREE Sound Ducking: .......s<-s«: ioe ease se 29 MO Hicraleme ripcri cl vevevet yr eyeteters ote loin terslptrorstars ves iile mieten tee or Vie 226 Redheads near New, York. i... -.5-ct.stepe sce see 6 Reminiscences ...... AeAntey Shen tue ince febeintciatalala 267 TRG TRS SPT The BEF ACE CPOCE RAPS AOE OR BER DARD O-A AS OE » 427 Saskatchewan and Rocky Mountains...,.......- 405 Secret Service Wns s<.ns0s6 perersesnesscannt pei) Siberian Fur Industry...... eileen etree Se SG 386 Stiteny: sslevelicy rutetch sane rtenaciia dace sudan reap ere es DPOLESMAD SHO OO Wie nanceacsnee cs Fsnu eds 0g He RHEE 186 Sportsmen I have Kmowmn..........icevacsncescs 245 Siibabryspe Mee Capoyb tes Beers leer cide tee 208, 245, 287 Speeyed Astrea of CRG aastbone ete bein beaecrepese 407 Wake the Boy, Alonessiscscwesecssiearacsbobeis 483 Bh eines rari MGs ie cra cteleve in anemia ect ptewiye sia eae 129 Sitios oan ee eal ands meat a ee lace aie neteetemcetel: 87 slwo. Nights! and acDayi. cicwsevenseraterrtatadan 88 MUnciniineb ives Grins s yay shot kbate eae Cy ote scr oke 5a VME en Gintama wade neopets eit lelatehele cnsaletet tlede ste talte s/eos 89 Wier, Day suckin n phase ence cise ce sina dete ete 227 White Flag in Coos..... Se bhehhe:n nor poce bor be hbep 86 Wild Fowl Breeding in New York..............246 Wisconsin Deer Woods......... ate ee etwas sale cases 48 Woodcock Reminiscences .......+0008 ae eale’s 327 Page. Adages, Mistaken..... Bs Es eae nec AaP Adirondack Notes ..... So gacnanendnt Hone ibs 808, 350 Albicore Fishing ...... sae aaa eUTIOe Peay oinial altes 55 Angling Souvenir ..... BRR Ac Aerio tt et 1382 Aquariuml......ece0> LouLteatineea ae! veeeeceess 2408, 448 ass sey SINGCOLG penasa a 6 oe talk ae helices sates i oestete 12 Sete tsdeiihn 6 EON DHbrt ede ach: 131 Chickamauga Pishing Club............22.+s.-..3 270 Ciscos in Lake Ontario..... i ES SAO OAL GAGE 55 Colorings of Fish..........esenerees ae aaeRebeneies 331 Debsconeag Club Dinner.......:0.ccsseeseeseees 214 “Delaware River BATU IATI OE dae mga a erangesi glare srelaaseisey 249 Delaware River Canoe and Camp Life. ? I. The Poles Are Cut....scccssceeeeeeee es «369 SiN The Black ‘Bass. Bishing 22.0 .vs..00.2-s0 290 Ill, A Day and Night in Camp............ 309 Via elotehts and = Blindnessess-sicereeas sees aieis 330 Vv. TAS INGtUTrEIS: Satire bye ie ieeeice ses cee 388 Wile ‘ihes Oainpo Wine ag, otek kee ed ans acted 369 WAU Usatrrnsther UWEUSS Aas Sennen prsnocoteoo 386 VIII. The Camper’s Sky and Clouds........- 409 TEXe WN asitors Soa eee oobbhehadsoHhar eet dene 428 x. MITNASTOLIS Mee He elie Atese sc nscecietoseteae e eleteledsie ste 446 XI. Stalking Whippoorwills .............5+ 466 XII. The Two Harps.............:. peceeae ASD XTII. On the Hills at the Water Gap.......504 SU) nL ABR 1411. soso ceaces eset atvtasehtaiassagsctehs sassiosetsattofeialclecste fs 92 Deyil Fish in New Jersey........ Qnthor ieee Oth 310 Devil Fish in North Carolina............+.-+05 431 Farming, Trapping and Wooderait........ eels weet LG ira Ta anateres e ke Base er, feleiplassyatetstesctntatel alg aba hes 212 Fishing Memories .....2..csecesecsacecees geen 467 Fishing Rights Case...... Taek: SE gall 6 PS ines Tose ane AK Es same cad ecimee retest ss s00 447 ishing Rods; Care of estes, asses hese Whe nas Loe Fishing Story. from the Pension Records,..... 113 Bish Kalled by Lightning,.......2..-:<.....6 +. 488 TENSE WSiKOR ANTOle Be ggoe oreo cer eomore ei e TS eure Sh Fly-Casting at New York....... 32, 151, 191, 212, 232, 247 tl vareba Stet: am po iI 2 Sictaleietetatsaigietesesy-steersaimeremertsieters ak 269 Grand Wakes treatise. seen bomstet pests wailerastess 310 Iiferanss bs Vaan neers orien eerie Gon bo eae 271 Jottings of a Fly-Fisher........,.......- Sob tn bo8 247 Lake Whitney Memories...........+.ee+eees 353, 387 Maine Fishing ........ Shoo R ber enenere re eroe 2al0 MictvasEtrs ltr os) Atri pen oon sere oe pros Enero ire pene os 367 Massachusetts Association Dinner.............. 232 Massachusetts Commission .........5+e-eeeeeees 249 Massachusetts Fish Stocking.,.................5 192, Massachusetts Legislation ....... me 59 Oo: .. A4T Muscalonge, Big...........2 Heh ieee Se Dora? 151. Muscalonge, Greenwood Lake.............. 488, 507 Webraskas Spills Days sebeticeec ehhh rer enpeents 368 Nepigon Trout........: BA Ae HL cee OCCA 370 INTE Wye TOT ATES. rie stele e cice bi eeat cles eheatlniaenek = le 410 New Found Lake Fishing......,............008- 350 Wewtonndiland Atrelino) Vhs. aussqeedes sss sstass 505 New Work Comimission.....1.....¢-)-+-- secs 73 (Chasis IDES nec cdedbpopbbroahhhanbore cand ecd 387 Oyster Scare in England.............: See AD Paddle Wheels for Ditches..........0.ese0+000+0214 Perch Cooking .......... dricicoos, coset Gee nee 412 Pickerel, Mr. Spaeth’s........ Serarstens datctal mn Sete, A 506 Leteynoyeer(e. Uhikfebbeter aka b ce arie ES oe doncouncaEese 392 Rainbow Trout vs. Black Bass....,........- Reeeai Reminiscences of an Octogenarian...... 32, 90, 111, 170, 190 Rensselaer County Glufi: ea yeuk eeack Aes ees Salmon Culture in “America........ 113, 150, 189, 230, 248, 268, 292, 351, 371, 388, 412 Sedbeaa~ nVleZ Sep. o tenre ponerse ee sehr y 214 Salmon, Fifteen Hours With..........s.ssess0ss 486 SPN oy eT. TRERNUCE Seti aH singe 54 Salmon Hatching on the Pacific Coast......... 33 Salmon in the Nepissiguitt...............0.+00-- 33 Salami vere SCOLeS. snes sae ateae teens 73 San Hranciscosstiped iBass Glitbio.....c.s.5-05s 271 Santas Gataliniawes. coe dassecscaguse acy natins ieee oul Sea Trout......33, 55, 71, 231, 291, 310, 381, 352, 431 Sea Trout on the Escuminac....:...2.0.0s202005 112 Shad and Striped Bass on Pacific Coast........ 291 Shark Catching Near New York................ 12 Suanvnte IEfeehorets™ geet Chon anGeH ohne honaddericres fee 54 Siamer Gardner lees casaecenees a: ejlessdaice ns 92 SOUtH Gree WALES casa deileleittdote eels ielelnn fklelel= = o> 132 HOUSING) mOILONEEE S Sukh branes a= ohne sare ela kis Artal s 173 Sea GISLeeS AMI ALEE sea LemOLe- chet et eke ses reckienicce ect 173 earn ormecited nati san bets rele neisme-nkaens deh st 3 SACD OME ACIKI ES begs oink wants time et eee ees OS 372 Tarpon Tag ......,... Ripeeinbstetater acetal scar Sort heohe cogs 331 iesSt Maurice Cli irccteee wes cee my ei nae i AMAONEES, aWesy aL ret) (0¥6 the hr che Anise abr oin Aa aeaer hoor ,-..b06 Poge. Trout, Bellegrade Lake..... spe vee enesenseseretes 4it Trout; wrilliaht pyetpees sss Seibert st Setictatce 329 Trout in Northwestern Waters....... Rs Serato Trout Mortality in the Adirondacks. abet +. 006 Trout Season Opening........... gh irol ate Hal eoate, seit. eas 330 Trout Stream, Two Days on.......-..--- Posse 352 “Tuna Tournament ..i..s..¢sscseecserses Pekyees F407 DAV EEE, “sae ratine cceeits tee ees were re rite Gtitaciseu 189 Watseesday isis eel epee peor, ao ONHOROUL tapes ho Wild Trout That I Have Met........, a tr et 407 YACHTING, PNPENEEEE Geonang poe’ a ae SR Oley ote ae a ee *18 American Pewer Boat Ass’n...........- 2.4198, 217 Auxiliary Knockabouts, vata are Peninetaniit ar LO Auxiliary Schooner, Shoal: Draft...............+ *316 Aairalbeney NCL Aa si Sse Sooboad ric nS AOAC ORB E #34 BOG REVI Sta: ne 0 How to Build a Launch from Plans,......... 274 Lloyds Register of American Yachts........ 1484 Round the Horn Before the Mast............ 153 Small Yacht Construction and Rigging...... 137 Boston Letter....15, 34, 58, 74, 94, 133, 153, 177, 216, 256, 276, 316, 338, 354, 375, 433 Canada’s Cup, Denfense of. 21.....s5.cs.055e+>- 94 Canada’s Cup Detendér...........020eesceeeneens 509 Canada’s Cup Races, Conditions Governing...473 Centerboard, Origin Of...,.....:..-:2000- 57, 75, 184 @enterboard Sloop, lit... cos es rascs ree oti *154 Ghanticleer, “SChoonefin. ...5sscecss aserpeccaes *38 Charity Cruise, Prize Story........s..0.e0re-s-s *312 Giicdeo.Vachtin can cennear eager de be tee eee cians 74 Competition for Cruising YVachtSmen,.......000. 489 Constitution ........ ti pene eoe creo, pedeg ces 482 Coupe de France and Italian Cup Matches... .433 Cruising Competition, Prize Winners...... 151, 217 Cruising Yawl, 35ft............... Wd JB ba #295 Coa ebharyee EIS PAST ths ede sane pen uEilmce tOddeaoe *176 Cruising Launch, 50ft.............. Se UA PUE re Ma *157 (Chacuicsaeey Wenvalle CUbGRs oh oaa bie akaadcd cope eon oosod *235 Delight, Cruise of, Prize Story..............--5 *373 English Letter..........-. 59, 116, 257, 273, 393, 455 + Figureheads and Quarterboards................ #152 Goodenough, Cruise of.......... 1. 454, *472, #491 IG OSIETH HS CHO OME saipienenitastels s'ais.s ehiele eases pisawhee *14 Houseboat Idler ..,...-. Sotdareecie tetocn S Keer Pte Houseboat, d0ft. ........ area eee COT ee ee *396 Houseboating on Lake Worth.................. *155 Ice Yachting on North Shrewsbury............ 36 Redler we Atixthtary = 'SCHOOMeR woes. cee calee less nee #254 In an 18-Footer, Some Short Cruises and a ACOTI PELE OTM En ae ee a trees Sele ettidtephy divers se Meare #413 HiT Tar eS CHOOSE Aenea elcine anes eet Hemeteere eine *37 Irondequoit, Canada’s Cup Challenger Noid due 473 Knockabout, 15ft. ........cccceececedueceeeeeeees #354 Kmockaboute elite ie taskts af denen setae tina trees eral *O7 STOCKED OLE APL TUMAS oa eat ce cise ut tame ofiijee ee * O74 Iicteesoettye (CaAKe Anco AR AA Anais sheu eu ce tenes *178 AbAtonas SS ChOOUEr) Levee mein as oe nate oe ee *715 Manhasset Bay Cup, Challenge for........ 237, 513 Manhasset Bay Challenge Cup, Conditions GOVELNIN pen cet pei ape einai hee aee. 296 Minar Cutteipeen anes nae aes cae tsa cates iteclen oot *393 Model Yachting in California.......2.:0000000+0200 Motor Launch Racesiissiicccscseisaevcse ses oe edll New York Y. C. Measurement Rule....:....... 18 Pelligrina, Cutter ........ Sanne tN tea tetos *394 Rambler, Cruise of, Prize Story........ 271, #293 Rating Rules ............ pectettstereuiete Pe smetienant *16 Hteliane Capes mina ae ipeees 257, 311, *332, *373, 392 Rhyme of the Vasty Deep.......cccsccceeceeeuee 197 Rosamond, Yawl .......... Hae ae gel Sains es edak oes *15 Satin pe Ouse bDOAtses pases we eer te meinen sities *O07 Seawanhaka Challenge Cup, Conditions Gev- SHUI een this gfe na Nees aed eatstig were Paves 215° Seawanhaka Cup Trial Races..........,.....-005 508 Shamrock IIT. ..... 207, 293, *297, 322, *334, 392, 489, 508 MS PeEduelequnene Biibeceee oc becetilellaise ences bores *153 Strathcona, Canada’s Cup Defender............. 473 Spinetelilresyay URNrSod ayab elfen yepape eee ceric ome eerie 7 *134 Tainui, Cruise of, Prize Story............. BBE Ways Hires Ssbavicme Griises wi tatnreges we celine. sie <2 *136 Siigonvas (ko as ropes BA ane seecnr ner renees #94, *113 Yale-Corinthian Y. C.’s New House............ 295 CLuss AND RACES. IAGIAATETCE wap erncens oon aes + $2 tants cles baw 6 453, 470, 490, 511 Be AE hee =< ENOCH IOSI ODER AA MeO ler § 512 IROSTONG Oy: s aisar sida he Pes Oe hence ne ere: 512 Intvoyoliehiele ECE RSEl. oc. Sch UcPnoetonononon beret 490, 511 CORB ERS Ee panmncptneny fb Mt MERA BD BO Eee & Beret te ER ee 117 (Golithyia ea. oe streamate as 217, 276, 311, 455, 491, 512 Coltitabralof News Monks) aia. eces ced veers ees 511 (GOHASS CL ap lester’ ioe vielvicy Gisele ees eeate ee 513 Corinthian, Marbletiead: ss.4eseiieree. tee ehoase. 512 | Conia soi ataunonceen ssc chine ereiae oe ne 474, 510 ASTEL IN eRe ee trace rest tras cs ese teier irae meted 512 Poga “East Gloucester .....+- Reels ete cits atecraere Ae 3 4 ‘HMarléme veesscee epht Bae eskiecdet er eanLer Bt oan 1030 458 ‘Indian Harbor f...000. fcc eecceeeeseeesces e+ «455, 510 Jamaica Bay-...;.. Fn ae ee ieee ORL £4 « Keystone peeked Wie ete ereder a clare be eceenee AGO Knickerbocker ..... Adare rap sa vaelenieeceraee eee Ys Toarehmont -.c.vicesscaeens 5 DAI eR ee te: 490, 510 JAB nner OS GD CO eeener eas. Ao ycnos ae tos evee Dba Marine and Field.............. - AB Snb obEtigtgee 491. MOTs Sanat vides dss aeteelen 5 > sls pelebe dea es SaeE ec bpcee 4 Nena VO Kea Gieieyat alts siereaics. 9 ca 29 eet 155, 432, 452, 490 New Rochelle: sraiichiaeranss sons acm woos 434, 510 Orient Heights 5...2i.i..000000- Tee saaunene 456 Quindy.gee ye sets Aira tpt OU Ce Seen 57: oe 513 Royal Canadian ....... aaa % Pes bas. oe SRR TS 258 Seawanhaka-Corinthian ~..........0...555 75, 4V3, BL South) Boston! s.yasmercr t= SOR dati h ee arte 455 SOMPMCET (Mette hae weaeats coe cateesei tne vista rth yey Sar 98 VWrotlstompesnit ene nanan tealeetenfened trian e te *,.. 455, 51%, “Steam Yacuts. AcheC Emaar SAUD ed JA fbr Pa be eye 1 too, JOG AAR ins as ooaacacanaAanntens oneueoes #296 NS See ees seit hitet inte setts mee ecm OU Ganeee tele #153 MOT OAL MA tates ys ean Maem sate 0 QTL BaTOGSe tee nea A al abn nC Sa oly oie sina gactate ite staf #279 ES Sn fe pare nanncohabocuce ese 566 GOCreH noo ks6 258, . CANOEING, ey Ome A COMMIBELCES tre, coed atatrtatie rt cela p sie 174 A. C. A. Constitution, Amendments to.........138 A. C: A. Division Meets.:..-..........+5 te se00 000 IAG Gime Pinan Ces Aenane fe et take wlan sien cts 192, 215 A, C. A. Lifé Members........... Ne Nea tee eres 297 Gn omit Clil pe petsakees gras stats Sarees BPH f Canoe’ Crtiise, New York to Sag Harbor.......*456 Canoe Special Cruising Class........ Se 1G Canoe’ Tilting at’ Sportsmen’s SHOW. so .cs5 *21E Mosquito, Cruise Of......-..0csssesc0000 ooo A74, 198_ INES VAL Mk hau © Aaa he Ratatat serrated tutte eke atey ia ae 316 Prizes for Canoeists......... rgogdede $5 SER re 138 Red SD ravonr (i dp a aeletaisiisaieees posovos2a00, 456, 492 Veery, Canoe Yawl.,.... Sire bose tet Sec are oC ete TRAPSHOOTING. Advice Trapshooters we.........5......5 Shop oeann 279 Atlentowy oErap. ab ver.s + apisissosaes ace cettnee 200 180 Altoona Rod and Gun Club...........5......5 o ATE “mes Guin Glib. iv seceesesm tata: onesie “escent Arkansas State Sportman’s Association...,.... 166 Baldwinsville Gun Club...sc.... sees esses cieen 289 Baltimore Shooting Association. ..318, 360, 397, 437, 470 Barnelsy ses ulatity bie un ease ee en ate ewe Birch Brook Gun Club....0..../.......04. 200, 497 Blanks, vA pplicatiow 2) lcesaene ve gaskdt oats viele 2219 Boineees pine Swans me cette cose sell 158, 19% Isderarse Kea h Cyyran (CUMS Se sane bnaee BE ce adheahan -& Boston Gun Club........ 120, 140, 179, 200, 239, 280, 320, 359, 400, 440, 460, 40 da BL MCs TE cee ge yonsopnoreenioresaoaeden 239 Bound Brook Gun Club...................005 20, 40 135 Gia) |) See ease anSRAHt CRE Pin dGone ede Bislele cietac 468 Brooklyn Gun Club....39, 99, 119, 188, 160, 240, 279, 318, 336, 379, 400, 419, 436 Brownsville Rod and Gun Ctub......... Kquckidod 400 Brown’s Mills, Trap Oe adden panos de Brunswick. Gun) ‘Clubvticeses case uses «2-99, 517 Buffalo Audubom Gun Club............ 420, 458, 495 BitralosHsti Gia Clit bee catee egpiaeeeiine: Rey? Ui! Carlstadt, Gin Clube... ceuscdeenes scenic 20, 40 CET At ea Co Udder thetic reba enh eters coven eaedT6 .Catchpole Gun Club.,............ Be cine aioe sess Ov Ghesapeakcaueac, ciate he kiiieeenss 316, 399, 43%, 460 Chicago Gun Club..............0- 120, 398, 408, wx. Cincinnati Gun Club....19, 40, 60, 100, 120, 139, 180, 218, 240, 279, 299, 336, 379, 440, 460, H& City Park Gun Club............... asta stile eens arated Cleatviews* Gumi “Clary a te... akc ton ese pe sais var ate Colorado: Springs, VETApS. oyscecases sss ox phaetlerercta 4 Condit.s Max een ole eae naa ads daceicslas 186 (Cove MOnsbet LOI ee EP ean 240, 320, 378, 419, 49% RountnereC OleAy Mra.me tenes c caddie meet rant a erat Crescent Athletic Club...19, 39, 60, 99, 119, 138, 160, 198, 219, 240, 279 Cripple Creek Gun Club..... Sb ed ne Cee 60 IDSA, ThA ha seempnnnneanoG5600006 6 dcnceemrodee 120 Dickey Bird Gun Club........-....... ..39, 397, 4387 Dover Sportsmen’s Association....336, 378, 399, 458 (DYGESG KS RSS OMB YS ARC E EP ERR Roc cisgyqscdnd tor ane tea ae 437 Emerald Gun Club........ 99, 199, 240, 259, 358, 478 INGE PTISE. (yo. c\palecles as crane odeatmarees One] e, AD8 Entries Grand American Handicap............:800 ictem Ging lito. aa eee weeny see 99, 239, 318, 418 Fairview Gun Club..............- osoeeaaynye rations 4g Firearms, Manufacture of.......,.. Ht sans: 420 ; : . ' &: | EO WE, i? : 4 | . INDEX. | al — ~ += : ; Ss da oe ae Nn GT ee 2 aT . “rina Baw ech —— met L vee eihsta uuyvia 3 ; = — 7 Rhee. =: ’ so cacy soe BO 0a Pare. Mire f ) _ Page. | - ar at Yin, PLA Ms Page. % t= ) _ Blorists Gun Club............6. 39, 240, 260, 398, 420 | Franke-Clayton .2.000N otis eens vesveee 8081 Raleigh Gun Club... de. Bete: 260} Interstate at Dubois..........,.... Borest City Gun Club.......-..... Se ey ree Freeport-Port Washington ..................-.219 | Rambling Notes .............. vos actart sis faa ' Interstate at Warm Springs....... devas, Branklin Gun Club, .318, 240, 358, 380, 397, 418,- General Wayne-Bristol .......... Baty aa tan 288 | Reading Trap ........ 20, 80, 189, 219, 920, 379, 516 | Interstate at Williamsport.....,.,.+s-ceern++ 469) pisces tengo = Plead Witz ties: ya aceenesenys pee aeme rasan ui tonal RORME STON. ck, fea ya. eee 308; diz. 49); wing 4“ FOwa. State. «21: ds. a, oer erie tas ee Rulton G. C.....160, 259, 299, 358,,360, 438, 476, 516] | Heflich-Piercy ......cceececpecesseeseeseseeeres 318 | Richmond Gun Club.........0c000000. 318, 418, 458] Jewell .....ccccsecsceceeeneye ssf Sues es 219) Sollatin Gun Glib.ckereeineen gaan 476, 493 Indiana. Ghampionship ¢.:.:.5-45.04.e064 fe ae 4, 58 | Riverside Shooting Association....40, 200, 300, Ukaiisas (States ssumies Anca a oer : Be Bee, Sein 360 Garheld (Gan Cluipeteesen en eceesaecke we 300, 495 Kansas City-Stock Yards ............ eae e. 140 359, 478 Lexington State or. 88, dell sagt Government Proof House...........00.seeeeeees ATGal Vic Gayebiid dasete ae eee eels nee eer enn 220 | Rochester R. and G. C....... 397, 419, 497, 498, 516 | Limited Gin Clibyian aioe ae 298 | Eireensboro’ Git BGIMiie ots laste cases secre e 30g) Mancolamrecpontarse: take sany mere Sarid 2A0H ROCK atid’ gckh Auer, dee 2cn), SN eee’ 159, 259 Louisiana T. Tui g.cis 2secreg eRe Blaverhill Gin Glia... teidsnestcssapeed pics 20 NMEGTIEVOIO GIy. waren tt sie nae ee eR Tn a ne 219 | Rocky Mount Gun Club................2..0+00-- 138 Luverne HAY Ca’ BP Po es ya beans oe SOT Hell Gate Gun Club...... 80, 119, 199, 279, 380, 460 | Muller-Miller .....scseseseeeeeteesesseseneeee 219 | Schenectady Gun Club.............. 20, 40, 260, 358 | McKeesport ......ccssccvecesssseeeeeteegeen BMT Highland Gun Club.................2.5. 19, 279, 360 Maunsbn Reed mecatnthae yet hres ol arth, Rone 20 | Scranton R. and G. C......... ANOS SO0 nO ATO eer ste meV Oxite ee areerere tes fetal i eee eee 398 PAiliside Mime old nt sss. coketbet «cca 397 ' New Jersey Championship...........0cs0ee0es 198 | Sentiment, Anti Pigeon.......,...0:cesceeseeees Tf Milton 00. sceesseerenensessecnenepeebunerepanes ATT Hudson ...... 80, 180, 259, 299, 340, 358, 418, 460, 516 Gliniey< Clay. sity eee Ale raS, flues aaa 459) eoheepshead® (ay 5c. sess cee mn same Teen ene eee 436 Missouri State Shoot.......cccceeesesees 319, 336 | pS EET” TE ged ate RA pa RS 55 oS ae SoS S Sass LASHLEY Omaha-All-Nebraska ............-eeeceseessees 180 |} South Dakota Shooting Association............ 419 MESSeGeyand! E's PAC 0. 0s eet, ee es 259 DRI ATION EG et 1s ae acd Pa ad ee Ree 436 BPapesSancerssBilen) kos\seniece re. tak neha couse 60 | Southside Gun CIE, Hata an ee M. OV: TS: and G: Ps Als 4 hagas a een eeeca Mnratible Asi Clb 2.26.02 len sera cent eee 458 Pattenburg-Independence ...........ceceeceeee 436 | pringheld: Gtne Club saaecsceeeey eee eee eno 4359 Neébraska State: Shoot... .)) 22. ache oeneee 379 Entercellegiate ..... Sates Fe aiciele wncoiritin alate 9 afeeatasuad 379 Hitsstield=Daltons qacmtawtant ne iinecer yaieey secce ATpa| ote oBazile sGirmG lab arch: se jar ee aera 336 New= London; at,s1..-.8----spcule oe 516 Ynterstate Association .........:cc.ceeeeeeee 120, 140 RG aC BUD GRA ae Sn yd A Oe 1B pi isih Tehbhoysrte (Cyemey (Cihetdy so genmancle ye acrldueeticneds 336 INGi¥5 OT ea tS 4. ice nieve dr telah tele ee 198 Mriterstate,- Ware weil lows. .teuger ec uelta tas sane 379 Sander-Meckels-Packard ...........cecceceesee SUB hist Ose (Cnbiee (Okbioy taihaiidoobeesson Sie abbboanoutoaas 100 New York State Shoot.179, 180, 198, 219, 399, 496 Interstate Park Trap............ APES Er Fi 80, 239 WiestCGnwaye it rrineen Asan: abs ton eS ee 1bSseot. Ieotis. Sirap yep tenses 39, 79, 159, 239 Northtmaberland | 23a: 2-5 (e eda eee na 493 © Myedians: MMPEISE asec care uc oces soekce cede: eiEREe 336 WihitinTonesHHsheral. . , 8 sinicicta: ie. 20 ccna ee 437 | Thornburg Rod and Gun Club.................. 495 Ohio Trapshooters’ League settee eee eee eee cent 494 | BEE Want ASU REI ao Maes ate de aan ee eee 299 York County Championship.................0- 236) |) Liconderoga, (Gur ECltipiss. sears, sseeeer eee 2184, - Oklahomat 2.00 ya wets eee 420 tates eShootink «Clube. tees et eke eee Poealee Nebraska ohootsecs pe scene. Geter meee oii aee BOT, | MEO Deka Giitins Olt bane yest dae teeny faeetrene tees 460 Oledn sGun i CliuDine jesse ere nee eens + «B59 Jackson Park G. C..40, 60, 80, 119, 138, 199, 239, 279 Neponset Gun Club.........cceccccecececeecesess 517 | Trenton Shooting Association.............. 239, 418 | Paducah ...... sees eee scence eneeteet eee eed BOD | Jearnette Gun Club................ 20; 480; 2340; dite Newark, ctvap) et tosi sug sae eens AQeSd sess s| SLrO pines Mmentz. 9 norm ine eee eee ne tae 359 Ratty-Burnhas. Sian ne eee eee 9, Wiamesas i Gtfy wed taper eine en cee ee {8022204783 A Newton witran = Bans: 35 eee eea ees ia 259 | TOURNAMENTS: . Penn: States ooccte capes eee 336, 438 | Wamsas and Missouri Traps........2....sese0es 260 New York: Athletic Club.........cccccceesceeece HGe': | SAbineee mace alce 00 Vine Oo Ore, aa ng aR oppit (Pert fe. iusyhte aed nat Re ee 320 | Mentucky Gin MOMb Oe ate... ec ct hisass 495 p oNewebicland “Gia sClubeeatmccsssseaseenicn ae 299 raohennaverroie (Catooe (Oibloy seine arene teghstionaueaca- 7 459 UAC MeMME AeA Mee Connor swords nc wags 790 Beystone Shooting League. .59, 99, 158, 159, 198, New York County G. C...... 100, 188, 198, 219, 259 TK ATISASS OLALGs SOO taue se aoe ance ater Pete eee 300 Poughkeepsie: -.4..4.)5.55.454.57 eee nate eee 475 | "220, 239, 259, 279, 300, 358, 979, 398, 419] New York German.........cccceecseeeeeees Se, HSe. |. SHE nara AL Ut) as cen ee ee 498yf “BRandall. = .13,.714, 24122 ;02: one a 339° Bakewood Trap PAM a, Mate: nc NS we male AGO-l New. wblavens Gime 2,6 tans. Seeker Caan henes 318 353 bibs AR yt Anian waar ante Roe ie rer a4 140 Richmond’ os deni sone 2 rete eer 397 - Bansingburg DERG? cae Mp cee ects oe ee Pate Nepon Seta tGiit |Glitp./. thin tester n nies en ete a 419 BonesteelG tne Cliubesee eee seen meter arene 459 Rockwell ..05.4..0ses8e55. soos eee pees nee 400 Heominster Gun Ctttb..........0..cceececeeeeees 358 | Nishoyne Gun Club........... 80, 210, 358, 380, 495 ISO IKe3 0b (Er bhi COM oriadistin onal iiss abedaem 899 Hewies IDRIS Eo tee eceoe seat sada doddcucsdr +. 496 7 FOE Onna CRC, EO UP er Oty ANS 358 | Noupareil Gun Club........... 39, 99, 189, 220, 386| Brownsville ................ Ne ee PE RES Ea 478 Schuylkill County League.................. + 417 Mo wis wile crs Pac 6) oso 5,.ccisoties sath eny he eee 497) Norfolk” Gin Chitbe <0 osc saseeeseeenee ss ceeas 379 | BuddaBiurimistens a: seach tanto eer 478 SHIEVEp Ott fetees suerse see ae aa ae ane ern «+ B14 Bowell Rod and Gun Club..............eeeeeee 458 | North Adams Gun Club................0.0. 336, 378 Co oFEMABISCEAY Rx Abromaitis mene ene 120 Soo (Gun Club; .caueee seeker aoe eee 4 ADT | Miarene 1G une Cte Soted seo os ck Seaton Ava North: Branch: “Gun eC@lrbe.n. sae ean 119s Corner Rodeand iGunssGlup-ceee eet eee eee 458 Seuth Dakota :State=. ts... m1 sa-me Seeee 497 Mary landeGun, iGtabesc: stent) cc, eet eee 358 | North River G. C...20, 40, 80, 119, 138, 158, 199, - Grawfordsyille! -2eeneian essen tee eae aobett, 418 | Sunny South Handicap................-.se0s. 160 Mictmplis: Gaur Chee os. onerar~cgeaseesashe 397, /AT5 219, 289, 299, 318, 340, 358, 380, 397, 418, 436, Dallas! (0 iets MeL. ben Fe ee fagyp Texas “So SS AY 3.4 here eee ae ..280 |B Metropolitan Gun’ Club......2.....c0ec0eee- =. +200 She 460, 476, 495 | Danville Rifle and Gun Club...............02- 60H) Wabash "9 oi sss2reercamentecyone, Waaeeert ema 140 Bittivde Gun: Clubs. saws ke ee 358, 380 Nerth ‘Side Gun Chis. ne... seh. 119;-989\ 980, 3198 =Dayenports Steiee ite ate ele ere 219 |. Wapsie ..,.... sabia ge RES sb A tet eae Dhiiwatikee “Ttap 5.5. -.oectsscuxt nae saeedn ueeae Arp) andtid Wray e. Ackles see eatien -